I am back from the seaside and it will be 3 whole weeks until I can go again. I am back at work after my 6 week summer break ( can 6 weeks really go by that quickly!? ) and J is on shift work for the next 3 weekends. Oh well, time to do some ebaying of my unwanted stuff, car boot finds and craft supplies.
Summer seaside days...........
My plan for today is laundry and cleaning this morning, hair appointment, visit B & Q for a new toilet seat to replace the one which as mysteriously broken (nothing to do with my 16 or 18 year old, oh no?) Then I am going to Junction 32 to buy college stuff for my youngest Greg. He did better than expected in his GCSE's and suprised us all by passing everything. I knew he had the ability but I was sure he wasn't revising enough or working nearly as hard as he should. I was wrong. An even bigger surprise, he's decided not to do the construction/building course at college he was planning but to do 'A' levels instead. We had a frantic day yesterday ringing around the colleges to find him a place and have managed to get one at a good college just a few miles away. He started a part-time job in Morrison's on Tuesday. Things are coming together for him. It is such a worry when they leave school at 16 and don't know what to do next.
I am looking forward to the Big Brother 8 final tonight. I would like Liam or Ziggy to win but I am sure it will be Brian or the twins. I like all 4 of them so I'm not that bothered. I feel sad it is the final, I've enjoyed watching it.
Oh well....I can get hooked on X factor now and the lovely Mr Cowell.......