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September 30, 2007



sounds like you had a great time, but come tomorrow it will seem a lifetime away and you'll be looking forward to your next break away(it's always good to have something to look forward to) on the chilli sauce note, a couple of weeks our supermarket here in france had a chinese themed week and we brought a bottle I can't put it down we went back and got some more before the promotion ended yum yum



Nice to hear from you again, I've missed you!Sounds like a wonderful weekend, it must be great to have your Son and his GF joining you, I'm looking forward to doing things like that when my two are older. Lazy days...ooh I dream of having a few of those, probaly have to wait until the long Christmas holidays I reckon!
Gill x


I want to read that first book, maybe it will give me some insight. I miss you girl. I know we are both very busy and never have a chance to chat. I hope you are okay.

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