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October 24, 2007



Hmmmm, sounds wonderful you are making me hungry now.


Hmmmm, sounds wonderful you are making me hungry now.


Hmmmm, sounds wonderful you are making me hungry now.


Ohh - tell me about the constant hunger! It wasn't anything like this bad over the summer but there's something about casseroles soups and winter carbohydrates!


Hope you have a lovely time at the caravan. I kind of miss those north sea beaches. I'm glad I wasn't the only one not to enjoy the heartbreak kid. I was really disappointed with it. It was the first film in ages where I have found myself peering at my watch and wondering how long until I can go home. I'm planning on seeing Stardust on Sunday which I've heard is brilliant.


Well that could have been my list Angie! (apart from the freezer one). It's nice to get at least a few things crossed off. Yeah who are we kidding, making Christmas cards?! There's still tomorrow though (for me anyway,you're at the caravan). So watch this space, I might surprise myself. Speak soon I hope.
Gill x

jemima bean

LOL, I'm hungry now too! And it's 9 a.m. here :D

Maybe I'll have chili or stew for supper. I'm trying to diet as well, but I have zilch willpower, so I"ll prolly have dessert, LOL!


Shame about Heartbreak Kid we love Ben Stiller and he has been in some hilarious movies especially the "Fockers" and Zoolander.

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