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March 30, 2008



Good for you Angie, you've taken control of those Bloglines! I'm impressed that you tackled your wardrobe and your garden as well, now that puts me to shame as I've been a bit lazy today. I'm going to spend a few hours stitching up my Granny square blanket tonight,at least I'll feel I've achieved something today.


My wardrobe needs a serious weed and feed! And I'm a sucker for the Nancys too. Have a feeling Cleo may go far, but I do love Jodie.

suzie sews

good for you....wish I culd get my act in gear...Yer for the spring make over!!!


Super! Now that we're back from holiday a spring clean and a de-clutter in on the list for us here. Great to catch up on your recent posts! Happy Days ((HUGS))


Glad your feeling a lot better now!

Looking forward to seeing some of your creations!


Decluttering is fabulous isn't it? I have to be in the mood, but once achieved, it always makes me feel better. x


You really cannot beat a good clearout !! Were off school next week so im ... sorry i mean were going to have a huge big clearout then !!!

Sara x


You really cannot beat a good clearout !! Were off school next week so im ... sorry i mean were going to have a huge big clearout then !!!

Sara x

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