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September 23, 2008



I maintain that Sarah at Paper & String wraps the most attractive parcels! That owl making kit looks fab. Do it! x


Me too, I need to get back to blogging, I'm losing touch! How many weeks 'til half-term??

Gill x

Suzie Sews

you know sometimes life just gets in the way of our hobby time...loving the owls. I have just finished a book soI know the achievement you feel...I used to read all the time two novels at least a week, its taken me five weeks to read this last one!!!


Difficult to decide, I guess you just wait and see if you've made the owls before Christmas if not wrap them up.


Girl, where ya been?? :D Get your buns online & posting again!!

Suzie sews

you have not posted for a while...are you OK OR Is life getting in the way of blogging???

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