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December 28, 2008



I am so glad it isn't only me. I am soooo sad that Woolworths is over. As you say, an end of an era.


It is terrifically sad. Woolies was part of my childhood and, like you, I used to often find things in there that I couldn't find anywhere else - most recently, flat tealight holders at 29p each, cheap enough to buy lots of them and saving a trip to Ikea!

Our local craft shop closed last weekend too. I did shed a tear when saying goodbye to the ladies there :-(


It's really sad, isn't it? :-( I used to go in there most weeks - just to have a mooch round, if not to buy something specific. As you say, they were brilliant if you needed a gift for a child's birthday. I used to get the softest socks in there too - perfect for making sock monkeys for babies.



I couldn't agree more - our High Streets will certainly be worse off with no Woolies. I have just read that the childrens chain Adams has also gone into administration, makes you wonder who will be next. - Natalie x P.S - It was nice to hear that you had visited my shop in Filey, have you made anything with the fabric remnants you got?


Hey girl, how are you? Missing you and hoping to chat more in 2009!

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