When I picked out these gorgeous Elzybells stamps for my Christmas cards this year, I had no idea that I would have been visited over night by the real thing. It's been years since I've had a problem with mice because I have always had cats. Now we are a cat-less family once more, they have moved back in! We aren't having much luck catching them either. Last night they stole a chocolate Santa from the Christmas tree and ate its head off! I am freaking out a bit over this, cos I'm a bit of a fraidy pants...eek! and I can't stand the thought of a mouse party going on, while I'm tucked up in bed!
I need a Wee Wonderfuls lovely tree mouse, not the real thing!
(photo from the BBC Good Food Website)
To cheer myself up, I decided to make some more mince pies, but using this recipe. Wow - they are GOOD! I altered the recipe slighty and added a beaten egg so they would roll out easily. If you make these, whatever you do, don't try to remove them from the baking tin until they are completely cool. Otherwise they will fall apart. And you will have to eat all the broken ones before anyone notices.
Did I mention these are seriously GOOD mince pies? I had to use a photo from the website and I was going to blame the light on this wintery day for lack of a picture of the actual pies. But the real reason is that we are greedy and they were all eaten before I had the chance :)
Oh no ... poor you on the mouse front. We had them once. We got a humane trap and caught the little blighters with a bait of rice krispies! HWNLR took them to a far off field to let them go. Perhaps it's time to get another cat?!
Posted by: Kitty | December 15, 2008 at 08:04 AM
Hello you, oh I know how you feel, we've had the little visitors a few times, even with cats (they bring them in as presents). I'm ok as long as I think they're downstairs, but the thought that they might be under my bed....eeek! it's the one time I'm relieved to find a severed head :)
Your cards are gorgeous, I was full of intentions to make some this year but as always ran out of time. I'm off to my cousins on Friday for a card making workshop so might have to make some for Christmas 2009.
Gill x
Posted by: Gill | December 16, 2008 at 09:56 AM