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April 10, 2009



Oooh, that programme does look like it might be worth a look ...


Hi Angie, I didnt know you had a lovely dog. You sound as if youve been busy! Nice Ikea bargains, but Ikea on a rainy bank holiday - are you insane?


My dog got a bath etc today! That looks like it will be an interesting programme - thanks for the tip off. Have a happy Easter and hope you feel better soon.


Do you want to come and do my place now? I'll supply cups of tea and homemade cakes?! x


I shall keep an eye out for that on TV thanks!
Thank you for visiting my blog, yes we do have similar weeks ahead of us!


OOh yes I've already Sky+d that programme, right up our street. Haven't been to Ikea for a while, might pop in for a browse soon. BTW I found it very difficult to find a standard sized frame for that poster,it's in an old one from a boot sale at the moment but it's a tight fit. Hope you find a suitable one ok.
Enjoy the weekend.

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