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July 05, 2009



I think however often you want to/feel the need/have the time is just fine. Whether that's every day, once a week, or once in a blue moon - this is your space, do what makes you happy!

And now I am going go out of blogland and beack into the real world and actually make something - what a concept!


I'm with Dottycookie... once a week, once a day or once a month.. it's whatever works for you. Sometimes there's lots going on and you want to share it and other times you don't and both are okay.


As long as you don't stop - whatever works for you. I get loads of inspiration from all the blogs I read and yours was one of the first blogs I could really identify with. I'm on the look out for the 2 books that you recommended and I'm dying to watch the film!!! So as long as you continue in some way shape or form - thats ok by me. xxxxx

Charlie P

Well, I'm a great believer in just blogging as and when you feel like it- there's nothing worse than feeling pressure to blog because your lack of enthusiasm will show. Unfortunately I have found that you lose readers by going away for too long, but as long as YOU are happy that's no problem :-)


I've just dropped in from Diane's page, I read your post about not enough hours in the day...i think we all feel like that sometimes...I think the best advice I was given was to enjoy blogging but don't let it overwhelm you, otherise it's no fun, sometimes I post three times a week sometimes once, life's too short to worry...hope that helps ;0)


I've been asking myself the same ? for the last year or so. Still haven't made up my mind.


Yay, great to hear from you! I'm asking myself the same too, but I agree that it doesn't matter how often you post it should be when the mood takes you, and those that are interested will still be there, reading and commenting. I'm determined to post more over the holidays but it will have to take a back seat during term-time. You do lose some readers but hey-ho, you might gain some more.

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