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October 17, 2009



Awww, can I come and live with you? Your menu sounds delicious!


We've just enjoyed our curry in front of X-Factor too!Home-made of course, I've reduced my food bills this year by planning ahead more and not throwing anything away if I can help it...I like the sound of your menu, have a good week.


I'm getting back into meal planning - its a great way to save money. I find I become more creative when I have to watch the pennies. Perhaps we could share ideas? I adopted an idea once that I had seen on Martin's money saving website. It involved having a "greasy spoon cafe" day IE sausage or egg chips and beans (I used to do the Slimmers World chips). A jacket potato day, an egg day - I used to due Omlettes or Frittata A roast day with the leftovers used in the following days meal etc etc. By the way, my lot love the chips egg and beans meal the most!! How cheap is that! Hope he likes Uni - does he bring you his washing home?


Menu planning is great! I hate the 'oh what am I cooking tonight' last minute thinking and have, over time, come up with about 4 weeks worth of different meals so my lot get a bit of variety. I check at the weekend what's coming up during the week, choose meals to work around what's going on and shop accordingly. Plus there's a packet of fish fingers in the freezer for when things go wrong!
Lisa x

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