image taken from google
I'm having a bad week. I've been stressed for the couple of months, just the usual work stuff and feeling I have so much to do it so little time etc . About 4 weeks ago I got really bad indigestion, which I never get and it wouldn't shift. So I visited my GP this week who is sending me for some blood tests and a barium swallow thingy...just to be sure, although she thinks it is stress related and nothing serious. Of course the anxiety got the better of me yesterday and I did something I know I shouldn't....I consulted Dr. Google. Big mistake. Now I think I have all sorts of fatal illnesses. Why, oh why did I do it :(
Sorry to hear you're having a rough time - but I'm glad your doctor is taking your health seriously. It will turn out to be nothing physical, I'm sure, but better to be safe than sorry (and I speak as someone who had an investigative procedure for tummy related stuff last year and was very relieved to get the all clear for nasties - I still have the symptoms but I can manage those!)
And as for Dr Google, when are they going to strike him off for incorrect diagnosis?!
Posted by: dottycookie | June 26, 2011 at 09:44 AM
Sorry to hear things have been getting you down.
It's so easily done when you're worried to let your imagine run away with you, but you've done the sensible thing of going to the doctors and getting some tests sorted.
Take care
Lisa x
Posted by: Lisa | June 26, 2011 at 10:19 AM
You and me both Ang! Its not worth it!! Focus on those fab 6 weeks off! xxxxxxxxx
Posted by: Diane | June 26, 2011 at 09:34 PM
You'll soon have a nice long break Angie, bet you feel much better once you've stopped work for a while. 2 more weeks for me, like you I just don't have any time to do anything,it'll be nice to stop for a while. Take care x
Posted by: gill | June 29, 2011 at 07:56 AM
Hope you get things sorted and feel a lot better soon. Take care.
Posted by: Karen | July 03, 2011 at 11:00 PM