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August 26, 2011



Many, many congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you all had the most fabulous day, once the shock had passed for the children!!
You look lovely in your outfit, can be have another 'proper' shot?!
Enjoy your honeymoon!
Lisa xxx


Congratulations! What wonderful news. And pleased that you are feeling a bit better healthwise too.


How fantastic! Congratulations to you both :) x


Are you sure you havn't rushed into things??!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! (But I'm miffed that I wasn't asked to be a bridesmary!!) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Oh! Fantastic news - congratulations!!!


Congratulations! You look lovely and what a great way to tie the know without all the fuss. Wishing you all the very best for the future.
Spookily we did something similar, we remarried (long story) on my 40th birthday, everyone thought they were coming to ours for a few drinks and food to celebrate my birthday, but we'd been to the registry office in the morning with our kids, Mum and Mum-in-law and best friend. It was very emotional, and we had our wedding breakfast in McDonalds! Enjoy the rest of the Summer hols. Gill x

A Thrifty Mrs

You sneaky things!
Huge congratulations.


Blimey, I wasn't expecting to read that when I popped over. I think congratulations are in order!

suzie sews at Dotty Red

so late in congratulating you, what a fab way to get married. With love.

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