It is a training day at school and the admin staff get the choice of working or not. I usually work but today I have taken a much needed day off. I am having a day pottering around the house. I still got up at 6 am, I am an early morning person. So far i've had a nice long soak in the bath, had a pedicure, read, organised my photos on the laptop, done three loads of washing and cleaned the fridge out. This afternoon I am making some quiches for the freezer, walking the dog and doing whatever else takes my fancy! Wouldn't it be great to have a day like this every week! or even every month.
I am loving the arrival of.......
Some things I love about spring
- watching the gardens come back to life, sweeping, scrubbing and planting the tubs.
- the caravan season is here!
- hanging the washing out to dry
- packing coats and winter woollies aways
- thinking I will soon be back in my much loved summer clothes
- brighter days and lighter evenings
- trips to carboot sale, garden centre and farmers market
- getting out in the fresh air for more walks
- opening the doors and windows and letting all the fresh air flow through the house
- spring cleaning (yes I actually like it)
What do you love about spring?