It is a training day at school and the admin staff get the choice of working or not. I usually work but today I have taken a much needed day off. I am having a day pottering around the house. I still got up at 6 am, I am an early morning person. So far i've had a nice long soak in the bath, had a pedicure, read, organised my photos on the laptop, done three loads of washing and cleaned the fridge out. This afternoon I am making some quiches for the freezer, walking the dog and doing whatever else takes my fancy! Wouldn't it be great to have a day like this every week! or even every month.
I am loving the arrival of.......
Some things I love about spring
- watching the gardens come back to life, sweeping, scrubbing and planting the tubs.
- the caravan season is here!
- hanging the washing out to dry
- packing coats and winter woollies aways
- thinking I will soon be back in my much loved summer clothes
- brighter days and lighter evenings
- trips to carboot sale, garden centre and farmers market
- getting out in the fresh air for more walks
- opening the doors and windows and letting all the fresh air flow through the house
- spring cleaning (yes I actually like it)
What do you love about spring?
It was definitely spring yesterday. but here today it feels like a return to winter. Grey, grey, grey.
Though I do have daffodils and tulips outside my window so it's not all bad!
Posted by: dottycookie | March 16, 2012 at 03:50 PM
It sounds as though you have had a productive day. I love the lighter days... especially the mornings.
Posted by: Gina | March 16, 2012 at 09:29 PM
How nice to see you post Angie. I think we all feel brighter in Spring, and I definitely am more motivated to get things done! What I love most about Spring is the start of the car boot sales in my area, the first one is next week and we're keeping fingers crossed for a fine day (that's the other thing I like about Spring!)
I'm not so good with Spring/Summer clothes, I haven't quite found my style and hate showing off too much flesh as there's rather a lot of it! I might get the sewing machine out and make a few dresses for work over the Easter holidays. Enjoy Mothering Sunday, hope your family spoil you a little.
Gill x
Posted by: Gill | March 17, 2012 at 09:47 PM
I am very envious of your free day off! You can get so much done on a day like this. Hope you are keeping well - and its great to hear from you again. xxx
Posted by: Diane | March 18, 2012 at 07:47 AM
I am loving the idea of going to the farmer's market on the weekends and picking up fresh flowers to keep out for the week in my's my new thing goal for this year to keep them new and fresh in my place! :)
Posted by: Fishing Oregon | February 27, 2013 at 05:00 AM