The best part of working in a school is the 6 week break for summer :) This year I intend to enjoy every single day of it. I have recently had a health scare which thankfully is over but it really did make me stop and think. I need to slow down and enjoy the little things. Spending time with family, at the coast and plenty of me time, doing the things I love. Listening to music, reading, sewing, baking and walking are at the top of my list.
I've been getting out of my comfort zone a little bit too, I tend to be a bit nervous when driving to places I haven't been before or into the city. I made a New Years Resolution to push myself to just do it and this year I have driven all over the place. Yes, I've been nervous but I have felt so proud of myself afterwards. I will drive anywhere now.......... almost :)
I have joined a sewing club and am loving having those few hours on a Tuesday evening to socialise and actually get some stitching done. The first project I did was this simple little picture, made from wallpaper and fabric scraps.
The picture is for my new little grand daughter, Heidi Marie, who was born 5 weeks ago. Heidi is my first grand child and I love being a Grandma, although it does make me feel really old :)
My Weight Watchers journey is going well. Slowly the weight is coming off and I am feeling so much better. I've gone down two dress sizes. I know I will be having some treats over the 6 week holiday but hopefully all the walking and swimming will help. If I can reach the first of September without gaining any of the weight back I will be more than happy. Then phase two can begin :)
I'm glad to hear you are ok, must have been a scary time.
Hope you have a fabulous summer break.
Thank you for the lovely comment you left on my blog hop post.
Welcome to the world Heidi, what a little poppet she is, you must be a very proud Grandma.
Lisa x
Posted by: Lisa | July 23, 2014 at 07:03 PM
What a beautiful grand daughter you have. There's nothing like a health scare to make you stop and take stock of your life. Very glad to hear you are well. The driving made me laugh. I can drive anywhere, I just can't park the car when I get there! xx
Posted by: suzanne | July 24, 2014 at 10:26 AM
Lisa - thanks I am enjoying my Grandma duties :)
Suzanne - haha :) I am not too bad with the parking bit, it's just getting there in the first place!
Posted by: Lazylol | July 28, 2014 at 08:27 AM